I'm tired of Gumball

Another case:

When selecting a line with Gumball set to Object mode it works fine.

But when adding points to the selection, the you loose the line direction.

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double click the rotation handle then use osnap and snappy dragging to align it however you want.

I can see the logic for that specific case, but I don’t think it is going to be very feasible to keep analyzing the users’ selection to see if the objects could be treated as a single entity or not.
If @Joshua_Kennedy thinks differently, I’d be happy to be proven wrong though.

Thing is, when multiple objects are selected, the gumball is re-calculated to the bbox of those objects, obviously.
What else should it do? Take the gumball alignment of the first selected object, maybe… that could work. How about it? Could be optional.

What’s also bothersome, as mentioned, is that an extrusion, since it is a new object, gets it’s gumball re-calculated to something new (What exactly? Looks like the midpoint of the edge extruded from the curve’s first point).
I would prefer if the new extrusion object just copied the gumball from the curve!

To generalize: every time a new object is created from input objects (sweeps, booleans, …), it’s gumball is not ‘estimated’, but simply taken from the (first?) input object.

Does that make sense?

I think that would make sense in about half the time and drive you crazy in other half. For a short time the gumball used to do that since the saved orientations were copied over with the input objects attributes. In the case of exploding or joining curves you’d get get some really funky results. I think we could do a lot better job giving you a default orientation for multiple selections and I have an open issue about it.

What I’m most tired of the Gumball about is that it has no memory. In fact, I’d argue that it has an acute case of alzheimers. If I set the Gumball on an object in a certain way, and then use it once, it resets back to whatever was before.

It’s like Rhino is actively fighting me. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Even when in 'align to object" mode? It shouldn’t do that. Doesn’t here.

Also see here:

And when it comes to groups, the gumball orientation is not stored as well.

You forgot the key words “I set”. In other words, custom orientation.

And here and here. :wink:

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Strange. Works here.

The ‘align to object’ mode shows whatever the gumball was set to, manually. Right?

Did you try

You might have ‘AutoReset Gumball’ on.

Does it reset as soon as you are done dragging it? You might have GumballAutoReset enabled

Fixed in the Rhino WIP

Guys, it is not so complicated. The Gumball just needs to calculate the average Gumball when multiple objects are selected and the Gumball is set to OBJECT.

In the specific case I mentioned, points have no direction, thus the direction of the Lines should be maintained.

When two parallel lines are selected, the Gumball might appear in the middle given the average point, but the direction will be identical to just selecting one line.

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When you say “fixed”, I understand it’s an error in V8.
So this error will be fixed in V8?
Or is the fix an addition to V9?

This one



(Although, I must admit that now that I’m trying it, at the moment I can’t reproduce it either.)

EDIT: One tangential issue I found is that custom gumball orientation for sub-objects reset when you perform an Undo.

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