Gumball reposition only remembers single move with selection

When you have more than one object selected and relocate the gumball, it “resets” back to the previous alignment after a single move.

It’s really annoying when you want to make several small adjustments on a selection.

Actually, just relocating the gumball with two object selected and then hitting unisolate reverts it. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

EDIT: Oh, no… is it like this one that it’s not 100% of the time? :weary:

Hello- this is true - gumball never worked with multiple selections as far as remembering other than the default location and orientation.


And let me guess… this quite low hanging UX tweak has been “on the pile” for a decade or so? :dotted_line_face:

Things which unnecessarily resets the gumball position:

  • Opening the Drag Strength dialog box.
  • Doing Unisolate.
  • Showing hidden objects.
