Iguana surface constraint not working

Hi all,
I am trying to use Iguana mesh to mesh two surfaces. For context I would like to get the mesh at the interface of the two surfaces welded together (i.e same vertices) to be used in FEA modelling. Ideally this should be done without having to split the surfaces. I found that Iguana mesh has a what they call iconstraint components which can constrain the mesh to points, curves and surfaces. The curve iconstraint worked very well, however I am struggling with the surface constraint (or maybe my understanding of how this works is totally flawed). Please see pictures below. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Show the gh

I don’t know about Iguana, but here’s how I’ve approached this sort of thing with TriRemesh

remesh_intersection.gh (15.8 KB)

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Thanks Daniel for sharing your solution. However sorry for not clarifying few things.
I need the mesh to be quad elements as it is going to FEA analysis and that’s one analysis requirement I need.
Also though I have C# on my bucket list to learn, at the moment I do not know the language so I am trying to find a solution using GH or any plugin that comes with it.
deviating slightly from the topic. At the moment I found a workaround with the script shown below. This script splits surfaces that do not fully intersect (i.e. surfaces intersection that do not go from end to end like you have shown), this sort of “half intersection” is the source of my issue actually as the FEA software is able to split surfaces only if they fully intersect (by grafting edges to faces sort of thing) thus I had to find one way or another to split the remaining surfaces myself or bring a ready mesh into the FEA. and so far I was successful with the first one by splitting the surfaces.
About sharing the GH file, I need to find a way to save the file without the template I am using so I can avoid sharing a GH file that can alter other user settings and result in huge disappointment for all.

Any improvements or comments that can be made on the script would be greatly welcomed.