If I need to buy a completely new computer because Rhino is crashing

If I need to buy a completely new computer because Rhino is crashing. I have a MacBook Pro bought 2015. How do I run Rhino on that than? I think my licens is set for only one computer. How would I change that?

Hi Linnea, At some point the operating systems progress enough that older softwares won’t run well, and newer softwares won’t run on the older macOS / Windows versions.

Here are your licensing options as well as how to change how you use it.


As described in the other message thread, You may reduce the crashing by updating to Monterey or Ventura. This will update your OpenGL display drivers and may fix or at least reduce the problems.

That said, because your old computer never did meet Rhino 7’s System Requirements, Rhino will never run as intended on it.

I am replying to you now on an inadequate, 13" MBP with an Intel Iris GPU.
Rhino will run on it but not with intended performance. I choose to not run Rhino on it for this reason. I use the 16" MBP running Monterey with an AMD GPU instead.

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