I think I accidentally deleted my shadings and can only work in wireframe

My shading options does not work and i can only use any view in wireframe. I have been using just one plane for a while, and therefore don’t know when the problem accrued. It seams like my Rhino opens up in Safe mode every time I open the program. So i deleted the program, downloaded it days later, and tried again. But still no luck.

Hi @Joachim_Hallgren_Bün
It looks as if you are running Rhino in safe mode, which will load only the bare minimum of features, including the graphics card driver, plugins etc. Try starting Rhino from the start menu and make sure you don’t select the “Safe Mode” option.

If you still have problems, run the SystemInfo command in Rhino and post the resulting text in its entirety here - it could be an updated graphics card driver acting up (or a Win-update that has screwed things up for the installed driver).
HTH, Jakob

If you have no customizations to Rhino you need to keep you can run _Reset and choose to do a factory reset.

Hi Jakob

Thank you very much. I will try that