I offset this object but when I exploded it, the inside is still green

I offset this object but when I exploded it, the inside is still green. I need to have the bottom open can someone help with this

Is it okay that the inside is green? I thought you cant print an object that is open

Hello - by exploding, you open the object and all backfaces will take on the backface color, that is as expected. What you need to know ids whether it is a closed object when it is not exploded - the What command will tell you that.


Object name: (not named)
Layer name: Default
Render Material:
source = from layer
index = -1
Attribute UserData:
UserData ID: CE28DE29-F4C5-4faa-A50A-C3A6849B6329
Plug-in: 17b3ecda-17ba-4e45-9e67-a2b8d9be520d
description: User text (0 entries)
saved in file: yes
copy count: 4

Valid polysurface.
closed solid polysurface with 6 surfaces. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
