I have three lists points and I wanna match them to input the curve.I don’t know a lot of lists and data in grasshopper yet, so that probably is pretty simple, but I can’t solve.The total number of points is a variable, of course.
It is difficult to understand what you want without a clearer description. You are also more likely to get help here if you post a simplified grasshopper file with internalised geometry that shows your problem.
Follow these tips to improve your chances of getting help in this forum:
Connect your three lists of points into three inputs of the Entwine component (in the correct order!), then connect Flip Matrix to the output of Entwine.
Follow the advice from @kev.r and save all of us a lot of time!
You still didn’t internalize your Curve param. Please read the page that @kev.r linked to. Had you followed that procedure correctly in your first post, you would have had the answer on the second post.