Human Hand Model (SubD)

Hi all, I am designing a glove for sailing.
For this I need a 3D model of a hand to work from.
I have tried to download various models online but they are either the wrong file type or not a realistic looking hand. I want to work from a SubD and downloading meshes is very unhelpful.
If anyone has a model of a human hand that I could download or any other resources to find one please let me know!

It doesn’t have to be. Here’s a mesh of a photorealistic hand downloaded from cgtrader as an .obj file and imported into Rhino 8:

This has approx 60k faces. Run _QuadRemesh on it with the target quad count set to 1000 and you can get a mesh simplified to approx 2700 faces:

Then run _QuadRemesh on that, with target quad count set to 200 and the SubD options ticked and you can get a SubD with approx 1500 faces. It needs a little tweaking around the tips of the nails and experimentation might reveal better settings, but it’s only taken five minutes to get this far:


(Credit: original hand model by daniartist on cgtrader)

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Thank you this is very helpful! Any chance you can share the file?

Thank you! I’ve managed to make the mesh into a SubD.

Sorry, it’s too big to upload here. Would you like one without the original mesh?

Yes please that would be great.

SubD_Hand without original mesh.3dm (1.1 MB)