I know splitting a mesh sometimes doesnt work. But I would like to know if there are any solutions to this? Are there some steps I should try to see if I can fix the problem?
I also tried to do it directly on Rhino and it doesnt work either. I don´t know what else to try.
Is this a mesh with all triangular faces? I have been developing a Python script with a DLL call for higher performance that will create a smaller, trimmed mesh from a larger mesh like you show. It works in many more cases than the Rhino mesh trim command and runs considerably faster. If this could be of use to you, I could try to develop a stand-alone version that you could use. But this would be dependent upon you being able to install and run a Python script with a DLL, is this something you can do? I can give you some basic steps for doing this if you want to proceed after I create the stand-alone version.
Hey Terry!, yes it is a Mesh with all Triangular faces. I am not familiar with Phyton script and DLL. But if you could help me on that too i will be more than happy.
Thank you!
When I’m trimming meshes in rhino and it fails, I just increase the face density of the trimmer mesh to match more or les the face density of the being-trimmed mesh. (does this make sense to you? I’m italian…)
This just on rhino.
Maybe you can “solve” on the same way on grasshopper: increase the face number of the red mesh.
Also if you can attach your geometry you would certainly get more help.
Run the mesh through the meshrepair command. It will tell you if anything is wrong with the mesh. Mesh trimming usually fails if there are non manifolds, non uniform normals, degenerate faces, etc.
It is good to hear that it is an all triangular mesh. The bad part is that it will take me a week or so to fix up the Python script. Will it still be of value to you if it takes that long? If you want this mesh trimmed right away, you could send me a link to it with a rectangle over the area you want trimmed. I have been using Sharefile recently to transfer large files with good success. It has a free trial period you could use to get this done now if you wish.