How to Set Rhino Version When Uploading Plugin to Food4Rhino?

I have a package uploaded to Yak.

I’m setting up the Food4Rhino page based on that using the create from package button.

When I upload a file, I can specify the software versions which apply.

For the plugin itself, I don’t get that option. The Package Manager within Rhino does do the right thing and make my plugin available for download when running Rhino 8 or 7.

Any thoughts? Thanks.

(under review so not published yet, that’s the preview page… I’d post a screenshot of the setup but I’m not seeing an applicable section to screenshot)

Hi Nathan,

Can you confirm that in the distribution tags appended to the filename of the package you added rh7-rh8?

I did not.

  1. What’s the syntax for that? “xray-1.0.2-rh7_32-win.yak” over to xray-“1.0.2-rh7_32-rh8_0-win.yak”?

  2. What do I do now regarding my grasshopper page? Do I just push a new yak package, yank the old one, and expect that everything will be handled automatically so that the new one is up and the old one is no longer listed?


Hello Nathan, it seems you’ve solved it in Xray 1.0.5

Yes, thanks. I guess there’s some kind of update cycle on the page updates- just needed to wait.