is there something to select the NurbsCurve’s in a drawing?
sorry I could’t find
is there something to select the NurbsCurve’s in a drawing?
sorry I could’t find
Hi Edward -
The SelCrv
command will do that.
you can also use the selection filter, when set to curves it will select only these. this will apply to any kind of curve, also non Nurbs.
but something which selects Nurbs only does not exist. maybe there is a script
If you are looking to exclude lines, polylines, circles and the like, then a script will be necessary.
Yes correct, only the nurbs curve’s I want to select.
There isn’t yet a script for it somewhere?
you have SelLine, so if you have a bunch of curves you can use SelLine then invert if you have the filter on already, i assume at least, but anyway that could help get closer to filtering out others.
i wonder why we dont have this one anyway, seems missing maybe?
Rhino has like a hundred native selection commands already. But if you look at all the characteristics Rhino objects can have, there are literally thousands of possibilities for selecting by various object properties. What’s cool is that with a script you can address virtually all of them and make the selection as granular and specific as you want.
You can try this one out - it may need some fine tuning, let me know.
SelNURBSCrvsSpecial.py (578 Bytes)
perfect, exactly what I was looking for.
many thanks
that may be cool if you have the talent time and brains to write scripts sufficiently yourself. since Nurbs curves are pretty omni present in our Nurbs software here, i would assume it should have some importance.
Dunno, this is the first time I specifically remember someone asking for it. Perhaps the proof is that I didn’t have an already-written script for it in my collection - I had to hack together a new script from a bit of another similar one.
Not necessarily - the OP got what they were looking for relatively quickly (OK, it was a couple of hours later) and just for the price of asking… If I hadn’t responded first with something, I’m sure someone else here would have.
well… lets be honest here, it does happen but those people able to and are frequenting the discourse are really just a handful in total of which most of them are not that regularly present.
Oh, come on, you’re grasping at straws now… There are at least a dozen people I can think of who can do this and who are in here virtually every day including Sundays.
I’d say generally users should not need to care if a curve is NURBS or not. I don’t know why the OP needs to - there is no doubt a good reason, but I don’t know what it is.
and are willing to toss in a quick script? not everybody is skimming through all possible topics… but that might be an interesting poll, hidden in one of those “how to bend my pinky toe” topics.
Maybe you should search through all the topics here and find someone who requested something reasonably easily scriptable and who had to wait days for an answer…
and i am certain that in 95 percent of the times it was either you, or pascal. with a few occasional scripts by 2-3 others i have noticed over the last couple of years.
i am not complaining about it not happening, i am saying that if somebody has no other means, then relying on a few willing souls here is all they have.
Well that’s kinda true about all the sorts of help one gets here, not just scripts…
Besides, ChatGPT will make all of us script writers obsolete very shortly.
Ok, you seem to feel strongly about this feature, so I’ll bite:
What, specifically, do you want?
I think there should be and have been designing an interface for selection or sub-selection (from a user selected set) which would expose geometric and other properties.
My thought was a combined expandable tree and table. On the left, nodes like “Geometry” and “Attributes”.
Within Geometry you’d have things like “Rhino Object Type”, “degree of curve/surface”, “length”, “volume”, etc.
Within the Attributes, you’d have things like “Name” and such.
To the right, columns for value and relation. Relation could be “>” for a number or it might be “Begins with”/ “Matches Regex” for a name. For something like type of Rhino Object it might be “one of [list you get to click line items in]”.
Is this what you think is missing? Do you think there’d be any buyers?
indeed and that for scripts the help is most likely a bit more rare.
being so hungry your interpretation may seem to weigh in really creatively in general creative also seems to be your suggestion, which does sound interesting. but if all that trouble cooking up a UI to that degree will help keeping Rhino compact? also difficult to see if you are going those extra lengths to describe such a rich feature to prove how utterly dull such a request might be, or if you are actually feeling strongly about it yourself. either way, there might be at least one buyer on this topic