I am interested in learning how this artist creates their images. More specifically how do they get this effect on their material?
1 method I found that got close was applying a chrome metal material to an object and having a trippy colorful image surrounding it so it reflects the patterns. I don’t know how to change the color of the metal though. Any other ideas?
Yeah I’ve tried. the biggest issue Im running into is I place an object into a box. The object is highly reflective metal, and the box is wrapped in the trippy colorful image. I dont know how to light the object while it is inside the box
This is where im at but I dont like having the studio lights in it
neon environment v6.3dm (10.2 MB)
Here’s the V6 version of the file as requested in pm.
Have fun!
@wim something is causing this file to be 10MB, can you figure out why?
I did paste the Ferrari model in, but then deleted it and purged, so it should be light and easy.
Check Environments and Textures panels. You have a couple of things there that amount to ~10MB. Especially RhinoWIP Audit3dmFile will help you: carstudio3.hdr is 3 456 852 bytes, Toronto Evening.hdr is 5 609 222 bytes and 3arStudio2.png is 1 114 401 bytes. Lose those and your file will be small.