How to remove part of a surface?

Surface to Remove.3dm (611.6 KB)
There is a surface on the top of the box that should not be there. I outlined the part of the surface that should be removed with a retangular curve. The surface was created when I caped the box. How can I now remove the rectangular portion of the surface?

you can subselect with ctrl shift then click on the object and delete the surface you dont need, that avoids having to explode the entire object.

but generally that might not bring you further since the leftover surface would be non manifold in that condition, so you either would have to offset the leftover surface or split and work further but that depends on what your next steps would be.

I need to remove only the part of the surface that is inside the rectangular curve.

as i said, use subselect in your case ctrl shift and click on the object, then delete.

you still will have issues later on, so splitting the remaining surface (with your rectangular for instance) or offsetting it then union. but since you did not reveal any further moves there is nothing i can do for you from here on.

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Hi Ronald - it looks to me like possibly you are confusing Group with Join. If you start out with this situation:

The inner box and the inner cylinders are separate objects (grouped in your file) so Cap will cap each individual object. In this case I would use PlanarSrf selecting all the magenta (naked) edges in my image

and then Join the result to all the other pieces.


Hi Pascal … That is exactly the issue. I am attaching the finished object.
Surface to Remove.3dm (590.3 KB)

Hi Ronald - the objects are still grouped and not joined - if you click on the ‘object’ the command line reports ‘4 polysurfaces added to the selction’. I assume you want one. Ungroup the selection and then select again - you’ll see that some of the objects - the inner cylinders - are separate from the box. If you want one closed obect, Join all the bits. Grouping, which is really just a selection set, is fooling you into thinking the objects are joined.
