How to rebuild organic curve to segmented polyline

Hey everyone. I’m trying to segment an organic curve to segmented polyline but I want it to still have the organic shape. Can anyone suggest me what to tool to use :slight_smile: Thankyou! (It would be nice if I also can do it by grasshopper)

are you searching for
output = lines ?

you can also
_divide (number or length)
(Degree = 1, Curve Type = Control Point)
(technical the result is a Nurbs curve - check with the _what command)
if you need a polyline

similar approach is possible in grasshopper.

if above does not help - please give more information, a sample .3dm file maybe a scribble / sketch for the desired result and tell us more about the workflow you’re after

kind regards -tom

A) You probably need to provide more information, see this post:

B) Like @Tom_P said, you can subdivide a curve and draw a polyline through the resulting points: (5.0 KB)