How can I model this shape? I’ve tried ‘flow along surface’, but I don’t have a continuous surface.
I’ve projected the curves in the shape but it only looks good in the planar surfaces. I want to keep the shape of the curves specially in the soft corners.
Which shape?
Upload your model as it currently exists, including both surfaces and any curves used to create the surfaces…
Thanks for you reply David,
The light blue piece. I want to do the circular skirting following a rectancular shape or any organic
Upload a .3dm file with the geometry.
Doubt.3dm (1.8 MB)
Doubt_tp.3dm (5.5 MB)
use the following workflow
_useExtrusions → Polysurfaces
_extrudeCrv (the lower edge joined as single curve) important: use option split at tangent = No
again rebuild this unrolled surfaces as a single extrusion
_flowAlongSrf will do the job.
see attached file for more info.
another workflow might be possible only using flow (along a curve - the edge…) -not tested
kind regards - tom
Thank you Tom! You are a legend!!! I just didn’t understand this step: import: use option split at tangent = No I’m note very sure why I did by clicking no
_extrudeCrv (the lower edge joined as single curve) import: use option split at tangent = No
that was a typo “important”
… it will not work if you split at tangents.
(I edit the post above)
did you mark the right post as solution ?
I did! Thanks again
you marked your file-upload as solution ?