Hi everyone,
I’m trying to create something like the picture. Does anyone knows what grasshopper plugins or tools that can make the surface looks like that?
Thanks a lot!
thank you, I found the picture there and was able to follow the discrete polyline to get the structure but don’t exactly know how to achieve that surface/mesh look
nothing very hard, it is the use of a tool like Dendro. If you use Rhino 8 you could take Shrinkwrap.
Here is an example using some hidden component of Nautilus
Here with a step of Pi/2
And a step of Pi/4 (like in your example)
field stepped Nautilus.gh (12.3 KB)
I aslo have other fields
I will show the Vector field components in Nautilus.
Nothing very new but I use them.
I will also add a tool to follow the field on a mesh.
Here some Monchrome render (Rh8) of 1000 field curves.
Hi Laurent!
This is an amazing effect and I have been following your plugin Nautilus since seeing this post. I notice that visually there are some similarity with another Nautilus component gradient flow (e.g. Gradient Flow on Mesh).
I’m wondering if you could share some insights on:
1 Are these functions related somehow?
2 Is it important to have a mesh for them? e.g. if I have a poly surface BREP, does it work? (From your description, Gradient Flow seems to be for mesh specifically)
Thanks a lot!
yes they use the same tool for the propagation. But there are some differences.
For the Mesh Field Line it uses a Field, here the field means that you can get a 3d vector for each point of space. Field Line tool from Grasshopper allows you to follow a particle through this field using a precision and a number of steps, this mean the field is calculated at distance that depends on the precision and scheme used. For my tool Mesh Field Line I decided to have a linear trajectory on each face of the mesh. So if you want a more smooth/precise trajectory you input a higher resolution mesh.
Mesh Gradient Flow converts scalar data on each vertex of the mesh to vectors on the surface of the mesh. It is very similar to a field but it is just on the surface, not in the 3D space. The conversion vector is done like if scalar values were heights, so the direction is like a drain direction. Fot this tool I also choose to work on each face. Most of flow tools don’t work like that they use a step distance.
Thanks so much for your detailed explanation! As always, I learn a ton from the projects and insights you share!