How to link several polysurfaces together in one big polysurface

I have these polysurfaces behaving like individual houses. So each houses are distinct polysurfaces.

I want to make 2D so I use the command UnrollSrf which works but I’d like to have a long line with all the buildings of each blocks for lasercutting. Like one facade= one 2D shape with all the height variations and so on.

So these individual polysurfaces should be in one big poly surface or one block I don’t know.

Consequently, I tried to Join or Boolean Union but it didn’t work. I exploded everything and rejoined but still, doesn’t work.
What can I do ?

here’s a screen shot and here’s the file Unique Download Link | WeTransfer

Thank you in advance,

this is a follow up of the other topic ?

closed Polysurfaces can be combined together with

there is also _BooleanDifference _BooleanSplit

After BooleanUnion, some reduction is possible with

kind regards -tom

I managed to close polysurfaces and I decided to not 3D print as it would take me too much hours
Instead I want to 2D laser cut

The closed polysurfaces are shown on the screenshot but none of boolean union or boolean difference or boolean split work