How to install Human Ui

I’m a totally beginner as you can see. I know it sounds silly, but how to install human ui? I saw the NOTE on Rhino4food, but the question is how to open the grasshopper setting/ solver? where to find it? Is there anyone could show me some pictures to guide me?

PS: I can see it in Library Folder, but cannot find it on GH window


Check this video:

This is how you install any grasshopper .Gha file format plugin.

But Human UI plugin comes as .msi file format. So just click right mouse button you’ll have the option called install. It is done.

NOTE: for use in Rhino 6 WIP, you must do the following:
Open Grasshopper settings / Solver
Find Human UI
Click the black “puzzle piece” icon on the right until it is an orange disk drive icon for “Load From Disk”
Relaunch Grasshopper

This note is for WIP version not for standard Rhino 6 version

Screenshot (252)

By default, you have Puzzle icon. But when you click, it will change to the Orange color disk icon

Screenshot (253)
