How to improve printing quality of an image with no anti-aliasing?

When I print to image (.tif … so should be uncompressed) there is anti-aliasing applied, even when I disabled it : Options > View > OpenGL, setting it to None. The output is not as expected and not as sharp as a similar export from Solidworks. Any thought how to further boost the image quality?

Here 4 zoom-ins of my output.

1 = anti aliasing R7 = 4x
2 = anti aliasing R7 = None
3 = anti aliasing R7 = None > export with 2 x dpi and resize by 1/2 in PS
4 = export from Solidworks

(to see the differences in the images, best download and zoom in).


when i disable aa i get crisp edges (at least on squares which i hatched to look similar), which version are you using? you have both windows and mac under the tags. also are you using some vector data or is that an image you are exporting?

Hi, sorry for the confusion. For this project i’m using Windows, R7 latest build.

I use an OpenGH Mesh shader (from grasshopper), so only print as Raster output is possible.

I discussed with the print company, and they tell me the actual printed result will be almost the identical and no one will notice. But I just find it odd and am still open to know . Your example is also not ‘perfect’ :wink:

it is, you should not take the preview and blow it up but click on my image and zoom into that instead, best in ps and not in the browser just to be sure it does not get interpolated.

Ah my mistake while downloading. Indeed yours is nice and crisp. I cannot share my gh file as it uses a custom opengh shader node to render heightmap, but I can share my print settings. As you can see from the rhino viewport, the heightmap is clean in the viewport

i honestly dont know what is going on under the hood when you print or create a pdf, usually the images get compressed using a jpg format which might affect the end result but that might also not affect it or be the case here. alternatively you could try to use ViewCaptureToFile