I’m Trying to model the façade of “Luanda Multisports Pavilion”
but when using Graph Mapper to give the Curvy shape, the start and end point doesn’t come at same Hight and therefore make a discontinuity.
I hope the Solution will keep the “Graph Mapper” Component used
as I know I can draw the Curvy shape manually and map it to the surface façade but I want to keep the possibility to play with the shape parametrically.
If you don’t want a curve you can use an equation like a
h(t) = min+ (max-min)*(sinus(shift +t*2*pi*N)+1)
t is [0 1], N is an integer [1, inf[
shift is [0 2*pi]
Because I don’t see how can I change the curve parametrically to get different shape!
Also how did you draw the first curve? is it on-surface? or in Plan as 2D?
and in your definition you are using “Quick Graph” to represent the Z Hight of the curve, but you can’t change that parametrically, you have to change the curve in Rhino…
I think there is misunderstanding of that my question is, i will update my question and add some more description.
I see your point, staying in Grasshopper is a choice. I don’t know a components thats allows what you want. It doesn’t seem to complex to develop, but seems not to be developed (Rich Graph Mapper is an extension of Graph Mapper that could perphas be extended by the author).
If you want to use a Graph Mapper you could do that (position continuity)
I Couldn’t find a way to Edit my Post, to add more description so I will add it here:
My intention is to find a way to insure the continuity of the Curvy curve in the façade (The one in the middle) so the Start Point meet the End Point, and at the same time be able to change the curve shape parametrically by using “Graph Mapper”, or another way is acceptable.
As an alternative you can draw a curve in 2d and intersect with lines in y direction to implement a graph mapper in Rhino.
Or you can compute the delta from your end and start value and correct/multiply the inner values by a blending factor ranging from 0 (lowest) impact to 1 (highest).
@M_Baraa As you answer to me, it understand you estimate I am not Human and you ask the question to me. Who is not human here ?
People on this forum mostly answer for free (except I hope people from Mc Neel) so you can be not happy with the answer, but being rude is not cool.
Sorry my friend I really didn’t mean to be rude, but I really though it is an AI generated answer.
as the answer doesn’t solve the main problem which is ensure a continues curve with same Hight at start and end point.
Thank you anyway for your efforts trying to help me, apologies…