How to edit imported mesh file, an obj. made in Blender - advise needed

I helped a friend to convert an obj-file from Blender to a 3dm-file in Rhino.
It is supposed to be manufactured and the file used to create a mold.

My friend received a sms from the factory today that says (see pic):

Here is a view in Rhino of the model, it consist of 8 700 000 polygons:

How can I edit/format it so it meets their request?

Kind regards/ Jonas

it sounds like the factory need Nurbs files and you sent them a mesh.

this is a reverse engineering job.

see this video on how to use quadremesh and subd to do this in rhino 8, or look up a plugin called rhino reverse for more detailed reverse engineering tools.

Thanks a lot for the fast reply! I will look into it and try to solve it. Kind regards/ Jonas


There are a few issues related to converting an organic mesh such as this to nurbs:

  • Detail is typically smoothed, this may or may not be an issue depending on your expectations
  • Large numbers of nurbs surfaces can be generated, which may pose a problem for some CAM systems.
  • Offsets from the nurbs surfaces may be problematic due to the complexity and / or minimum radius of curvature.

Thanks for the input! Im helping a friend out, so I will try and convert it to Nurbs and see how it comes out, then he has to decide if he want to proceed with it. Its nice with such a helpful forum as McNeels :slight_smile: