No Wall Dropper.3dm (25.2 KB)
I am not sure how this problem was created. There are four 3.2 mm diameter holes for mounting that do not have any inner walls. The object is an open polysurface, possibly because of the missing interior walls. How can I create interior walls and convert into a closed polysurface?
Hi Ronald - that file is empty.
Indeed both the interior and exterior surfaces are now missing. I do keep a history, so I am going to look back into when and how they all went missing.
extrude the edge crvs or something, or recreate the holes and retrim the edges, etc.
No Wall Dropper.3dm (1.5 MB)
I recovered the original file, fixed the hole problem, and verified a closed polysurface. Many students participated in creating this file, and is shows! Is there a way to “rebuild” the closed polysurface?
Hi Ronald - what do you want to accomplish with this? The part seems fine- you might MergeAllCoplanarFaces
to simplify a bit.
I thnk I’d probably model parts like this at a tolerance of .001 rather than .01, but to my eye this one is fine as is.
Hi Pascal … Thanks for the tip “MergeAllCoplanarFaces” … That is exactly what I needed.