How to create the slabs connected by multiple nodes. The data we have is slab numbers and connecting node names and node names with coordinates. Illustrative image is attached and grasshopper script is attached.
Slab formation using its (11.4 KB)
didn’t work last time?
@inno it was worked, Thanks for your efforts! but I can not understand how it was working I need to modify to suit further requirements. Sorry for that. I was thinking for any alternatives around it.
Please any update
your data structure in the excel file is weird. each slab should have all its points in a single row. dealing with multiple rows for a single slab is, excuse the pun, pointless.
Hi @adel.albloushi , yes data is in multiple row. that how the software stored data. It has another parameter called ‘Order’ where it stores how many rows are relevant with the same slab ID. Might be that can help to club data of multiple rows. Hope this helps.
@inno 's solution in the previous thread should work in principle for all your further requirements, if you spend some time to understand it