Hi, I am just wondering how I can create a similar effect to wind maps in grasshopper, if there is a tutorial that someone could direct me that would be awesome.
I would want to animate them as well.
Something like that ?
What is also important to know is what you have.
Have you a vector field, format ?
On a mesh, on a grid, on a sphere ?
2 D, 3D …
I want the vector field to be 2D. Basicallly, I want a section of a line to follow a path. As the line follows along the path, the line will morph into the shape of the path.
I want the vector field to be 2D, I sort of want a section of a line following a path. Meaning that the line as it follows the path will morph into the path’s shape.
From whatever tool that generate a path (a curve indeed) you have tools to measure parameter at certain length on a curve. Then you shatter the curve with these 2 parameters and you keep the second portion
For the animation, right click on slider
Search a bit on the various examples that you can find on discourse or grasshoper3d.com, and if you have difficulties please post some file.
Thank you very much! I will definitely come back if I have any questions.