Hello, I am very new to grasshopper and was hoping someone could help me out. I am trying to create a wavy surface but all the tutorials I have watched are based on a flat surface and I want to distort a curved surface. My thought process in Rhino was to create a sweep with different profiles. In Grasshopper I have crudely managed to create random points that I have rotated around a central point, baked them, then in rhino I have drawn a curve through these points then performed a sweep. Is there a way for grasshopper to do this to avoid me having to complete it in rhino? The first screenshot attached shows areas that I need to remain constant hence I was thinking a sweep would be the best option.
What a cheap shot at planned obsolescence by McNeel.
I see no attempt to create a surface in this GH file? There are plenty of good ways to create a wavy surface. One way would be to extrude the blue curve in your first image (which is not in the GH file?) to create a surface, then populate that surface with random points that are used to obtain surface normal vectors at those points that move the points.
don’t know if what I see on my screen is the expected result… but if the issue is going from Open Extrusion into Untrimmed surface, you can cast as Brep
file is:
I’m on Version 8 SR4 (8.4.24023.15001, 2024-01-23) ]
Loft also works instead of extrude. R8 is still broken, long after the official release. My trial version will stop working soon, which means many forum conflicts ahead.