How to create a wavy distort effect on a curved surface?

Hello, I am very new to grasshopper and was hoping someone could help me out. I am trying to create a wavy surface but all the tutorials I have watched are based on a flat surface and I want to distort a curved surface. My thought process in Rhino was to create a sweep with different profiles. In Grasshopper I have crudely managed to create random points that I have rotated around a central point, baked them, then in rhino I have drawn a curve through these points then performed a sweep. Is there a way for grasshopper to do this to avoid me having to complete it in rhino? The first screenshot attached shows areas that I need to remain constant hence I was thinking a sweep would be the best option. (13.9 KB)

Was this GH file created in R8?

What a cheap shot at planned obsolescence by McNeel. :man_facepalming:

I see no attempt to create a surface in this GH file? There are plenty of good ways to create a wavy surface. One way would be to extrude the blue curve in your first image (which is not in the GH file?) to create a surface, then populate that surface with random points that are used to obtain surface normal vectors at those points that move the points.

Yes created in R8. The surface was created in rhino not grasshopper, I couldn’t work out how to :rofl:

This is a hasty hack created in R7: (17.9 KB)

As always, changing parameter values changes the results.

This is what it looks like in R8 due to a bug in PopGeo: :roll_eyes: Complain to McNeel.

That’s amazing thank you! Is there a way to not effect the area highlighted in my first screenshot?

You can cull random points that are too close to edges. All edges or only specific edges.

Does an R8 license allow downgrading to R7 to avoid bugs?

I’ll give that a go :slightly_smiling_face:

Not sure about downgrading though

Like this: (white group) (21.6 KB)

Really a pity that it’s broken in R8. Pathetic, really. :man_facepalming:

Don’t ask me why but it seems to work if rather than extruding the curve I perform a sweep
Screenshot 2024-01-25 151032
Screenshot 2024-01-25 151230

Hilarious! R8 is defective.

don’t know if what I see on my screen is the expected result… but if the issue is going from Open Extrusion into Untrimmed surface, you can cast as Brep

file is:

I’m on Version 8 SR4 (8.4.24023.15001, 2024-01-23) ]

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Hi Joseph -

The PopGeo component only accepts curves, surfaces, breps and meshes. It is being fed an extrusion object.


But, yes, it would be good if this didn’t break definitions from earlier versions
RH-80004 Grasshopper: PopGeo doesn’t accept extrusion

Loft also works instead of extrude. R8 is still broken, long after the official release. My trial version will stop working soon, which means many forum conflicts ahead. :cry: (26.2 KB)

This bug is fixed in the next 8.5 service release.