How to change unit from meters to centimeters?


I have a question I can’t solve. I started my rhino model with meters but it needed to be centimeters, so I changed the units to centimeters ( unit settings) but my text unit is still on meters eventhough I changed to centimeters? How can I change it to centimeters?

You didn’t supply enough detail to know.
When you changed Units, did you say Yes to scaling? Yes would mean, “I messed up and thought I was modeling in centimeters”. No would be used when, “I knew I was in meters but need to switch to centimeters”.

The next step is to go modify the named dimension styles you’re using. They were originally set up to work correctly with Meters from the template file. Then will need to be adjusted for the new unit change.

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You can change the unit in Options -> Doc Properties -> Units to centimeters.

A another good approach, is to model in one unit system and dimension in another.
You can create a dimension style that has text that represents the part in centimeters, even thought the model unit is meter. See the attached example 3DM.

If you have a model that is not changing unit when you select it, please post it or email
We are happy to take a look at it.

Mary Fugier

meters-centimeter example.3dm (87.6 KB)


Than you very much

I forget to open small objects- centimeters, so when I noticed that I waited till I had everything done so I can scale it to meters, but didn’t find to do so, but thanks for your answer!

But what about dim area? Does it allow to change area units? Cant find the way.


I’m looking for the same feature as well, cant find how to tell Rhino to give me the “Area” property in a different units than the file units.

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DimArea can’t display anything other than model units

Is there any way to do math on the tag to put let’s say %<Area=xxx>% / 1000?

No, Sorry - There isn’t a way to do that.

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I see, thank you for the quick response!

I am also looking for this feature, any chance there has been an update @lowell ?



Yes, Look on the TextField dialog - (From annotation dialogs, click fx)
DimArea doesn’t do it automatically, but you can edit the text or make a new leader with an Area text field.

Thanks Lowell,

I realised I have actually found this article on a windows tag, but I am on a Mac… Do you happen to have a link on how to do this in Mac?



→ units
Screenshot 2021-05-04 at 13.54.20

HI, Thanks…

I am trying to dimension for a particular floor plan in square meters. So, for that particular dimensions, I would like it to be shown in sqm, while the rest of the dimensions are shown in mm…

if I change the units of the whole document, then is scales everything, unless you are able to change it for that specific part?



for using different units in annotations:
set up different annotation styles
add a length factor of 0.001 to convert mm to m

or use an alternate unit

kind regards - tom

It’s the same on mac.
Did you look for it and not find it?

HI Tom,

Thanks, I have used this before, and have a series of different dimension values, but still does not seem to work for DimArea dimensions

Maybe it works for you?

Hi, yes, I have looked for it, but am unable to locate this specifically…

Just to clarify, I am wanting a DimArea values to be in m, even when the document model units are in mm

