How to change color of the spinner?

We would like to change the color of the animation that plays when the viewer updates. I noticed that it is actually a .svg animation with a bunch of CSS for the color, which is great.

But now I am curious why there are no classes on any of the elements. How are we supposed to target it with CSS? It makes it very clunky when you don’t have classes.

I actually seem to remember that we are able to adjust the spinner somewhere on the website, but maybe I am just remembering it that way.

Are there any options to change or tweak it without using the Viewer API?

Hello @seltzdesign,

thank you for your message. Your suggestion to but the CSS into classes makes complete sense. It currently wasn’t done, as there was no obvious use case for us to do so, but I completely get your point. I have created a task for this on our side and will let you know about it once it has been deployed.

Via the viewer API it is already possible to change the spinner, I will discuss internally if we will also make this available for the iframe option. I’ll let you know about that as well.

Cheers, Michael

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