How to capture video from your Design

Hi I’m doing community challenge with GH (#Timo Nielsen)

Modeling spiral-staircase and I would like to know how to do video from my model.
I know that I can make animation. But when I have ca 760 pictures.
My photoshop and mac is dying. It’s very hard to convert to video.

Also I’m getting not smooth render after :confused: some wrong order or lagging in animation :-/

Do you have some tips and tricks how to Capture this ?
I will be very grateful

P.S.: I’m mac user and there is not many plugins unfortunately.

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I don’t own a mac anymore but this is how I created videos from images created with Grasshopper slider animation using QuickTime years ago:

Create a movie with an image sequence in QuickTime Player on Mac - Apple Support

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i am not fully sure but i always had an issue with animations, not using it at all i left the issues where they were. one thing i can recall and also after now quickly testing there seems to be a probem with the initial state showing. i assume that keeps blending inbetween which causes those strange lags. (6.7 KB)

also to which resolution are you outputting the animation?

I’m not sure if I understand. You mean that my project must be in 0 or I have to set camera ?
Or that my following lines is moving ?

on my image above you see 2 sets of stairs, one is the initial state which keeps showing. the second is from the rotation. so i have 2 sets of stairs showing when there should be only one.

maybe its not the issue and i am just too dumb to use grasshopper :man_shrugging: i would appreciate if somebody could point out how to hide the initial state then.

The Rotate component shows both input and output. You need to add a curve component to the output and hide the Rotate component.

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Wau Thanks very much it’s working very well :+1:

thanks i figured it out in the meantime, i can also extract the parameter and hide the geometry. sorry my bad.

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If you want this without the lag, create the geometry for each frame first, store all these in a list and use a list item to show one frame after another. If you need help doing that, post your Grasshopper file with the relevant geometry inputs internalised.

@martinsiegrist two more noob questions then :smiley: how do i array to curve with set point? do i have to create a domain or a plane for that? in rhino i can set a basepoint then the curve arrays along the helix. in grasshopper i have no options.

and how do i convert the numbers from the slide to degree. right now i have to think in multiples of π which is not so handy.

right click the Angle input and choose the degree option.

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not sure what you want to do…

unnamed.3dm (24.4 KB)

in rhino i call ArrayCrv, select the geometry i want to array and then use option base point with orientation roadlike to achieve this result.

how would i do that in grasshopper, since grasshoppers curve array does not allow to set basepoint or orientation. i assume you have to use orient and braid that into the definition but i am not sure. sorry pretty much noob here…

You can use Orient to do this:

I moved the curve in your file:

orient.3dm (32.3 KB) (6.5 KB)

thanks Martin, i can only decipher the 2 curve components i really dont use grasshopper too often sorry, could you share that definition? or name the components?

Sorry forgot to upload, was in a hurry. Added the GH file to the post above