How to baking light(vray grasshopper)in Rhino


How does to baking light(vray grasshopper)in Rhino?

Hi, baking V-Ray lights is not supported. In fact there is no baking in V-Ray components at all. If there would have been any sort of baking it would be lossy fo certain. And it isnot necessary either, you have RenderInProject component for that


hi again @Nikolay
And Is there any possibility of displaying VRAY COSMO’S MATERIALS IN REENDER mode(in Rhinio simlar to vray,'s(3dmax))?

Hi, currently - no. There are some plans to expand the proxy (what a cosmos assest is) as a whole.
Basically we will make them a CRM objects, but that has a huge downside - no object in the viewport at all if V-Ray is not loaded. Also this is the easiest way to make the objects renderable in Enscape

There is another approach, where the proxy will still be mesh, and there will be per-face material assignment, but that mean the 10-20 or so materials per asset will be visible and editable in the Rhino material panel (as well as AE). This will create a huge mess, and defeat the point of an asset being encapsulated

And the third option is to bake the textures as vertex colors. Not very elegant but at least very clean and no mess at all.

Which one would you prefer ?

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Thank for reply i think bake the textures as vertex colors is optimal and best way

I second @Rh-3d-p 's response. Baking textures per vertex colors would be sufficient to get the “color coding” of what’s what in the viewport.

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