How to back light an object and change the color to blue?

I’m trying to get a blue light to come from behind the text/logo as to create a ‘halo’ glow effect through the crack between the floating letters and the cutouts just below. Any ideas? For Mac…

Hello - see if the attached file with emissive PBR material helps at all.

Backlight.3dm (1.8 MB)


Thanks Pascal. Unfortunately, I can’t open the file. Still running 5.0. Will it work if you reformat as a DXF file? Also, what does ‘emissive PBR material’ mean?

Or just list the necessary commands I need to make this light effect?

Hello - all the stuff needed for this is in V7. In V5, you’ll need a different renderer than the basic Rhino one.


ahhhh…crap. Ok, thanks for trying. I can’t afford v7 right now. :slight_smile:

not as beautiful/effective as emissive light but doable in rhino 5 with the old render. just switch the background color to what you want.

rendered with legacy render

then take this into photoshop and throw a little glow on the blue and you’re done-

or upgrade to v7, cuz there are a ton of amazing new rendering tools in it!

So obvious that I missed it. Great idea…thanks!

Thanks so much. My response below was actually meant for you. It worked!
