How to apply materials to generic object from rhino to revit?

Hello everyone, I exported my rhino file with this visualarq/gh script: VisualARQ objects to Revit | Food4Rhino

Normal rhino objects come as generic objects in revit.

I would like to know if there is a faster way to assign materials instead of “painting” it in revit?

Hi Leonardo,

If you are bringing in as Direct Shapes (generic objects) the only option is to Paint.

in the future will be possible to export direct shapes with materials or it will be always like this?

I’m surprised Visualarq isn’t doing that already. I’m not familiar with their components / workflow, you’ll need to review their documentation for details.

i was talking about rhino with rhino inside, if it would be possible to export direct shapes with materials…

Certainly, here is a breakdown of DirectShape functionalities and components.