Is this save time to be expected ?
rhino V5
40 secs to import it.
30 secs to save it
Rhino V8
27 secs to import it
31 secs to save it
v8 2.28sec select and become yellow
same v5
to select wait for yellow move tab 0,0 initiate and have done.
v5 12.31 secs
v8 13 secs
ID: 844fe7be-e2bb-4f39-8984-21588dd676cf (4246)
Object name: (not named)
Layer name: Layer 05
Render Material:
source = from obj
index = 1
Valid mesh.
Open double precision polygon mesh: 2838268 vertices, 5433408 faces with normals
Bounding box: (-19.076,-21.852,-1.702) to (19.551,25.991,14.600)
Geometry UserData:
UserData ID: 769DDDD4-1756-4c95-A026-8E975D704AEA
saved in file: no
copy count: 0
was hoping V8 a lot better with meshes handling, but having to wait whilst I move it same as in V5.
new PC with Nvidia 3070 card, 64Gb DDR4 Corsair Vengence Pro ram, latest processor etc.
Processor AMD Ryzen 7 5700X 8-Core Processor, 3401 Mhz, 8 Core(s), 16 Logical Processor(s)
all SSD’s.
Holo test done see thread on that.
Total Score: 319903
Total Runtime: 1012.32 sec
so was the holomark test a good result and why such SLOOOOW mesh working in V8 with new PC ?
built for Rhino8 work and meshes and video editing.
I then chop some meshes off the wall.
Valid mesh.
Open double precision polygon mesh: 2360370 vertices, 4570769 faces
Bounding box: (-18.932,-0.426,-1.074) to (19.433,46.090,13.671)
Geometry UserData:
UserData ID: 769DDDD4-1756-4c95-A026-8E975D704AEA
saved in file: no
copy count: 0
15 secs to move it, 26.8 secs to save it.
(shrink wrap fails, is it too big for such)