What workflow and settings for FAST saves with meshes?

What please are the exact steps
to take to avoid each save taking 50 secs, when working with a mesh that has high detail real life raster image mapped to it of the actual item, from Agisoft Photogrammetry.

I have in the past been told bring it in as a BlockInstance

But then I couldn’t get the image mapped to it.

Such Block Instances never play ball with me, I can’t change their colours, or map images to them.
Is there a best way to keep image, I need that image !

But this is a VERY IMPORTANT project, it cost me my spine.

I am also attempting to use V8 yet again, and get dims all ok, at 1:1 scale ! with text gaps as entered.

I bought V8 to be able to work with meshes. To give me SPEED. with them, if Rhino is at all capable of doing so now.

What else can I do to have saves in seconds, and where exactly are the settings to do so,

Scared stiff.


If the mesh isn’t changing you could maybe put it in another file and load it in a worksession. That way, you only save the file you’re working with and not the reference mesh.

Also, saving will be faster when you turn off compression during saving at the expense of larger files. I think it also applies to meshes.

  1. Tools > Options > Advanced
  2. Search for UseCompressionWhenSaving
  3. Set its value to False.

edited: I accidentally suggested to set to True, should be False.

You can also switch this one to True in Advanced Options for more speed:

1 Like
  • Attached geometry cannot be edited (for example, Move, Scale), but it can be used for input to creation commands (for example, Copy, ExtrudeCrv).
  • When a worksession object is dragged, it snaps back into place.

Oh Drat, I do move them around

I will definitely turn that off.

but that sounds like turning it on ?

Will do that.

compression was false.
localTempFile was already true

have left these ‘as is’ pending clarification over killing compression setting.


Ah yes, sorry, set to False. Not sure why I wrote True. I have edited that reply.

Hi, Ok,
However very worrying difference it makes.
I had a simple file no curves, no objects, no meshes, nothing, except some test dims for V5 into V8
V8 2.2 megabytes !!!
Small Objects - Inches 1to1 scale for V5 dim styles this made in V5 opened in V8 given NoStack UseCompSaveFalse.3dm (2.2 MB)
Small Objects - Inches 1to1 scale for V5 dim styles this made in V5 opened in V8 given NoStack UseCompSaveTrue.3dm (101.5 KB)
Small Objects - Inches 1to1 scale for V5 dim styles this made in V5.3dm (61.4 KB)

V5 2.7% of the V8 file size.
what thats going to be when on a project I hate to think.
setting it to true again it became 102Kb, still higher than v5 but a lot lot better.

I think setting it to False will mean PC meltdown, just to try and speed up the save time from 50 secs.
so nothing gained at all.
when in Agisoft saving the very same mesh takes seconds.

I am worried that RHINO JUST ISNT CAPABLE OF WORKING ON MESHES. and that has been my workflow I am heading to.

Holomark tests are passed, and I have a new PC built with latest everything to be a Rhino mesh workstation.

Just what is wrong with Rhino and saves ?
