February 17, 2023, 11:41pm
Hello there, rhino beginner here
I have a more or less complected cross-section where 3 blended surfaces meet each other.
With my last Sweep2 command I now get this surface blending problem:
what is causing this artifact?
here is the file in case you want to take a closer look.
Sweep2 Problem.3dm (518.6 KB)
Thanks for helping!
(Pascal Golay)
February 17, 2023, 11:58pm
Hi Niklas - it looks like those edges there are slightly out of tolerance and not joined. You can clean up like so:
and MakeUniform
that corner surface to simplify it somewhat.
MatchSrf the edge that looks funny for tangency
Then MatchSrf the outer edge as well:
(Note! different settings)
Then join and I think it looks OK
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February 18, 2023, 12:17am
Thank you!! I just forgot to check for “naked edges”