How do I fix polysurfaces miscalculation in rhino

I created extrusions from a set of curves and for some reason, the closed poly surfaces do not show the same shape. I took the original file and opened it in a different computer and it now shows a completely different shape than the isocurves of the actual object.

this is something that can happen when you’re modeling real far away from the origin… how far away from 0,0,0 are these objects?

these are the coordinates

yeah, i think 4.5million units from the origin is real far :wink:

select all, run the _Move command, click a point somewhere on your model, type 0 (zero), enter

that will move whichever point you clicked to the origin and the problem should go away.

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but now, some of the surfaces are no longer opaque, but they are transparent.

select everything then run _RefreshShade

does that bring it back?

that fixed the problem. Thank you so much :smile: