i am trying to fill in the holes left that are circled in red on the attached image. how do i do this?
Hi Connor -
I’m not seeing any holes in that image.
Please always post a .3dm file.
swanson implant 2.3dm (5.4 MB)
they are not quite holes but its an area that needs filled in to make the surface flat and the same all the way along
the bottom of it needs to be flat all the way along, however some bits were missing from the point cloud upload due to a poor scan, however i just want to fill in the gaps
Hi Connor -
You could delete the SubD faces around the areas that are unwanted holes and then use Bridge
and Fill
to fill those up again.
You could also try ShrinkWrap
with offsetting first, e.g., 1 unit out and then 2 units in.
I’d try something like this-
opt 1. , mash a sphere to fill the voids then shrinkwrap-
opt 2. trim a clean hole and then use the patch command, then shrinkwrap.
play with the span count and stiffness to adjust the patch a bit.
play with the target edge length and smoothness iterations in shrinkwrap to get the result you want.
If you need a nurbs result, i’d go with the patch method and then pipe trim the edges and use a blendsurf to seal them up.
see this video-