Fill SubD Hole Not Correct

Hi all can’t close the hole using fill subd hole patch style single face tool, can anyone give any advice to solve this problem?

If there is a planar hole, you can try to use PlanarSrf to fill it here

Please attach your geometry.

I have tried different methods, in my case my patch should have an ironed surface, moreover if I use the method you suggested I need to merge the resulting surface with the rest of the part. in this case everything is converted from subd to polysurface.

ring 10.3dm (228.7 KB)

try this

3+4. Bridge

the little left over piece on top you can Fill.

I already tried this method, thank you, but in my case it didn’t help me.

you can just use cap, that will keep it SubD and will make sharp edges.

I’ve tried that too, but then there’s more geometry in the form of triangles.

there is no magic tool, certainly not if you dont describe exactly what you need with people guessing all over the place. in this video at 4.30 minutes something similar but everything works without problems

yeah but the geometry is also different… though i would never use that in that manner a nice topography is not only more beautiful but also better to work with later on.

Yes I completely agree with you, but in the same cinema 4d it works although this soft is not ideal in terms of modelling

Here you have 2 edges being congruent , visible only in the smoothed version:
whatever the situation, avoid doing so.
Consider using also this:
2025-01-25 14_07_49-Window
(first select your subd, so that command will attach the new face to your subd instead of creating a lone detached face)

Anyway, there is indeed a bug:
trying to use Fill on a subd loop edges where there are some hard/soft creases, fail.
@pierrec @Gijs (sorry for tagging you in, I don’t remember who’s the dev nearest to subds)


thank you very much!!! I just had suspicions about this moreover I even tried to remove these edges or points of these edges tried to rebuild the geometry itself but nothing worked.

I take it this tool is not so good at the moment, even yesterday I tried to close the hole where there is on the ribs bevel it was also not successful

To work properly you have to be careful:

  • select first your subd, then click the command (otherwise the new face is created as standalone new subd object)
  • create the new face while you are on the non-smoothed visualization of the subd, so you can snap properly to the already existing vertices
  • snap to vertices! not “near” or “int” … you want to snap to “vertex” only

… you had a zero-length edge where I shown you in the first .gif … if you tried to snap there, it would be a random 50/50 correct/wrong snap… another reason to avoid creating shapes like that.

You can group these surfaces created with PlanarSrf and SubD, and by using the Record History feature, you can keep them updated in real-time with the SubD. Most SubD object will eventually need to be converted to NURBS for post-processing.

thank you for your feedback, but it all kind of takes away some of the flexibility of creative problem solving. I mean, all the time you have to think about what you can’t do and what the limitations are.

This quickly gets close to what was show in the video without adding to much.