How do i create a flat footprint in a sloped surface

i am very new to rhino and need to flatten a footprint in a sloped site has anyone got any ideas please.footprint flatten test.3dm (84.9 KB)

Hello - I cannot tell from the file exactly what it is you’d like to do - do you have a sketch or something to help me understand?


this is what I’m trying to achieve.

hope this works. basically i have a surface of a terrain and i want to put the building footprints into the surface(level at the lowest point the bldg hits the surface.

i appreciate you having a look.


Hi Alex - like so-


footprint flatten test_maybe.3dm (916.0 KB)


yes exactly.

Hello- did the file I posted give you enough to go on?


yes it is just what i needed thanks for all your help.
perfectly laid out.
