How can I project all points onto a surface?

It seems so straightforward.

I want to project these points

Onto this surface that consist of multiple joined surfaces

But why are these the only points that show up?

I donā€™t understand why people start threads without posting a GH file for people to examine :question: :man_facepalming:
It seems so obviousā€¦

3. Attach minimal versions of all the relevant files

The grasshopper file was connected to a 619MB rhino file. I hoped something in the part that I captured in screenshots was where the problem was. But Iā€™ll try to internalize and clean up the actual GH file to post here. Sorry to keep the request for help so incomplete. Youā€™re right. Maybe the mistake would be somewhere outside the script I captured here.

(I thought maybe the mistake could be something simple like not joining the individual surfaces to one brep. But then if that would be where things go wrong Iā€™m still not sure where the solution would be.)

Hello and welcome to the forum

you surely donā€™t need to internalize more data that what is on your screen shot.
Internalize Brep and points it seems enough

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Your screen images show two params, one called ā€œPointsā€ and the other called ā€œFolded surfaceā€. If you simply internalize both of those and send a GH file with only this, it would be something to start with, much more useful than screen images alone:


from the image you posted it looks like you have a flat list of points that is being projected on a flat list of Brep Faces:

the List|List matching in this case is equal to Longest List component, which is the last item of the shortest list is repeated until you reach the length of the longer list

so in this particular case you are projecting:
first point on first BrapFace
second point on second Brep face
third point on third Brep face
ā€¦and so on until you run out of Brep faces, so the last one is used forever:
nth point on the last Brep face
nth+1 point on the last Brep face
ā€¦same until the end of the point list

if you want to project points on the whole Brep, then delete Deconstruct Brep component:

Your explanation sounds reasonable, but why is the output from Deconstruct Brep ā€˜Fā€™ (Faces) only a single wire? Maybe ā€œFancy Wiresā€ is disabled? (ā€˜Display | Draw Fancy Wiresā€™).

What is the component before Deconstruct Brep :question:

Icons, bah :exclamation: Disabling Fancy Wires, bah :exclamation: And still no GH file. :roll_eyes: :frowning:

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Join Brep

Thank you. With component names or nicknames (or Sunglasses), there is a chance to do a search but good luck finding an icon when you donā€™t already know what it is.

yep, I think he has Fancy Wires disabled, because even deconstructing a single Brep like the one in the topic should output a List of Surfaces as a thicker wire

a lot of assumptions without a GH file indeedā€¦ :slight_smile:

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Thanks a lot for the answer! I was able to fix the problem by removing the deconstruct brep and by flattening the input for the join brep component. Thanks a lot again

Thanks for the explanation on how to post questions better. Iā€™ll keep it in mind. This was the first time posting something on the forum. Iā€™m sorry for not posting the full file but thankfully I was able to solve it. I do have another question with this file, but itā€™s kind of a new topic so Iā€™ll make a new thread. This time without icons and with fancy wires and a smaller version of the file.

Yeah I had never head of the fancy wires before. Iā€™m just learning. But thanks for solving the issue I will upload the small version of the script next time.