How can I create a "view" set? To show several geometry previews by one click

Hi everyone,
It may be a silly question. I usually use the mode of “show geometry perview by selected objects”. For different objects far from each other on canvas (not convenient to create a group), if I want to show their previews at the same time, I have to shift-select them one by one.
Is there a way to create a “view” set, then I can click it to show all the previews in the set?

you can do this with metahopper plugin, although it requires a bit different workflow:

-you need to disable all preview of comments on your canvas and not use the mode “show geometry perview by selected objects”
-add a meta hopper enable/disable preview component and assign that to the set of objects you want to preview
-connect a Toggle or Button to it

Thank you Gijs, for your suggestion! I will try it.
So happy to see you again online!!

I would double on the metahopper - it changed my life since i discovered it :slight_smile:

Sorry, Gijs, I can’t handle it yet. Here is what I did. First I can’t create a set for the objects; second if I can’t assign the component to any object.

Not on front of my pc but try that
Put a group on objects you want to control
Click on select
Click on the group
Put a Boolean component on visible
And it must work
Suppress the link to object

Thank you Laurent!
I tried, but still failed :frowning:
What’s my problem?

The way it works for me is as following:

Select the objects you want to control
Click the select button on the component
(No wires to the objects)
Connect a toggle to the view hide component.

Yeah! It really works!
Thank you again Gijs!

Ok it was the select and not the grouping that did the trick !
