How 'Automatic Object Intersection' Works?

I understand that VisualARQ has an ‘Automatic Object Intersection’ feature, but I feel like I might be missing something. Could you help me check?

Test.3dm (7.6 MB)

Hi @Steven_Kim if you show the model in Wireframe display mode, you will always see the edges of the objects, no matter if they are intersecting or not. If you choose other display modes, like “Hidden” or “Rendered”, then you will better appreciate the wall intersections:

Hi. Francdsc.
The displaymode is set to “Hidden”.

Hi @Steven_Kim all right. Can you check if you have the “Tangent Edges” disabled?

Thanks. It works!

It’s fine in the plan, but an issue was found in the section.
In the section, tangent edges are supposed to be visible, but they are not

  1. Tangent Edges On

  2. Tangent Edges Off

  3. Expected Result

Hi @Steven_Kim if you set the bottom slab layer as a “Core” layer type, the central wall layer (which is Core as well) and that bottom slab layer will intersect.

However, it is difficult to control the intersections between Normal layers of walls and slabs, right now. We will improve this in future version.

One possible solution in this particular example is to assign some bottom offsets to the two internal and external wall layers, so they are aligned with the top face of the slab.

In addition to the layer offsets option, you can also run the vaAddInterferences command between the wall and the slab so the Normal wall layers are trimmed by the slab:

HI. Bottom slab is set to “Core” and Layer Bottom Offsets are set to 100 (thickness of to slab), but it’s not working.

Hi @Steven_Kim, I believe it works fine in your case as well. You just need to set a different section Hatch pattern to the top slab layer, otherwise it will hide the intersection lines with the other wall layers. If you want to see it with no pattern, you can just assign a pattern with a large scale.