"Hide Left Panel" button should not be on the middle of the screen

system.txt (5.8 KB)


I find a bit disturbing the “Hide Left Panel” button lying on the middle of screen. I was looking for it on the left of the screen. Is this a shared disturbance ?

I’ll second that. Also a surprise to find the file name flushed left vs. center of the window.
Is there a UI problem that you are intentionally fixing, or was this just a random change.

I’m seeing it in the MacOS version v7 latest update - does this mean the MacOS and Windows versions are totally in sync now?

Thanks for the post, I filed https://mcneel.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/RH-62335 for this to get cleaned up.

on the plus side, I do like the new look with the title in bold on the left and secondly, the toolbar has become thinner = more screen real estate :slight_smile:
But I agree, having the Hide Left Panel in the middle does noe make sense…