Hidden elements on Rhino7 file are shown when opening with Rhino 8 file

I have a file that a colleague made with Rhino 7. It has many elements.
When I open the file on my Mac with Rhino 8, many of the hidden elements are shown.
Is there a way to avoid this?

For example this selected bit on the screenshot below should be hidden but comes as shown when opening the file.

Please find the file here: 241114_PLP_ALL.3dm - Google Drive

The file shared is created with an unofficial Rhino 8.6.

  1. Ensure you have a valid Rhino 8 license (you do not, visit Rhino - Buy - Rhinoceros to fix that)
  2. Install the latest official Rhino 8 release from rhino3d.com, you’ll have over half a year of fixes
  3. There are no hidden objects in the file. Invisible layers do not contain objects that look like in your screenshot

The file opens like this in a properly licensed Rhino installation: