Hey everyone,
I am trying to implement a terrain from Berlin with data (TIFF format) from the geoportal of the state of Berlin, but i get this error from the heron component: "1. Solution exception:Cannot find coordinate operations from ENGCRS["unnamed",EDATUM[""],CS[Cartesian,2],AXIS["easting",east,ORDER[1],LENGTHUNIT["unknown",1]],AXIS["northing",north,ORDER[2],LENGTHUNIT["unknown",1]]]' to
I have tried to change the coordinates but i still get the same error.
Any ideas?
Hi @Rafaelo_Xhangolli ,
Can you post a link to the source of the TIFF file so I can help troubleshoot? The “unknown” text in the coordinate system description is likely the issue.
Hey @Brian_Washburn,
thank you for your response. The link to the source is this: Geodatensuche
I thank you for your help and looking forward to hearing back from you.
Hey @Brian_Washburn , sorry but the previous link was wrong, just figured that out. Batch Download - Offene Geodaten - sachsen.de
this is the correct link
Hi @Rafaelo_Xhangolli, I tried downloading a random tif from that source near Dresden and it seemed to work fine.
Can you share a specific link to the tif file you are having trouble with?
Hey @Brian_Washburn,
This is the link.
I uploaded it and and the error is gone now. Thank you. However i get this error now “1. One or more boundaries may be outside the bounds of the topo dataset.”, and i have tried to change the boundary values but i cant seem to find the solution. Any tips?
Thank you a lot for your help!
Try unchecking “Clip topography to boundary” in the ImportTopo
It is still not working for some reason. Could you take a look please?
You can take a look here.
Thank you for your help!
Hey @Brian_Washburn
Scratch the previous link. I simplified the script so its not very confusing.
DCR - EXCERT - Copy.zip (11.0 MB)
Hi @Rafaelo_Xhangolli
It appears the terrain tile you are referencing (dgm1_33409_5652_1_sn.tif) is outside of your boundary. There are actually the corners of four terrain tiles intersecting within the boundary:
Try downloading those and merging them in QGIS, then use this merged tif with ImportTopo
. I plan to add a raster merging component to Heron soon, but for now it’ll need to be done outside. Ideally, the data source would provide an ArcGIS REST service like the USGS 3DEP service or a WMS service so you could just query whatever boundary you want and wouldn’t need to stitch tiles together.