Help with moving points of a mesh on grasshopper


I’m facing an issue on grasshopper that I don’t really know how to work around. For context, I am trying to replicate a “panel” made my Erwin Hauer, as can be seen in the attached picture.
erwin for forum
Now to grasshopper: I am not very good wish meshes and how to properly transform them, and currently I am trying to take some points from the mesh (highlighted in green) and project them onto a surface above (the sphere), which would make the mesh transform. I have achieved this in rhino where I am able to select the points of the mesh and project them easily… But somehow I am not finding a way to do this on grasshopper, although I am sure it is relatively simple.

If it helps, this is what I made on rhino and am trying to replicate on grasshopper (after having made both sides of course):

I hope my question makes sense. Have a great day :slight_smile:
Making the panels erwin (44.8 KB)

I looked at your file but I won’t dig in. I think you’re making your life very difticult proceeding with what you have so far.

Have you looked at how the script in this linked post works? It’s by @DanielPiker

Haha I know I’m complicating my life a little bit but I want to avoid just using a rhino geometry to start with because I need to make the whole thing parametric. I want to be able to adjust how the base geometry is made to then advance with the tesselation process… but thank you for the link anyways.

Good luck then…