Help with getting the areas around a points

Hello everyone, I would like to ask, I have asked a question about this topic before and it has been solved. But now I do have another task, I will explain it and attach the file below.

As you can see below, is it possible to calculate the rectangular area around each of the points? I have tried some python scripting and since I am a beginner on it, I wasn’t really able to do it.

As shown in the photo below, is it possible to get the area inside the yellow box, for each of the points?

The yellow box should be formed by taking the middle point between the points. I’ve tried for example writing the script h/2 and w/2, but i can’t seem to find the solution.

And one last question, is it possible to like if I list, for example, this point, has this amount of areas around it. I have attached a screenshot and the grasshopper file below.

Hopefully somebody will be able to help me, your help is greaty greatly appreciated! (18.4 KB)

I am not 100% sure if it works and how it will behave on the edges and unfortunately i cant test it rigth now but have you tried voronoi? Maybe in combination with the bounding recangle to your grid…


tryed it out and seams to work fine.
I noticed you have 10 duplicate points (see top group) not sure if this is on purpose.
and i did not fully understand your last question. do you want to measure the area arround particular points?

test (1).gh (20.2 KB)

Your approach is a little complicated. It isn’t wrong but I think not so versatile.

Using just native components, I’d first create a surface with the points and use Isotrim to divide it into sub-surfaces. Point Groups is a quick way to find out how many times a point exists.

Then you can look for points which exist once, twice or four times. (25.1 KB)

Bad news: there’s no C# to P auto trans.
Good news: see attached. (13.5 KB)

test Edited V0 (24.0 KB)


Not sure I completely understood but here is my take.

You just had to create the middle lines and your def actually works. I also eliminated duplicated lines, which actually come from your duplicated points input. (20.1 KB)