Displaying the coordinate of each of the following areas

Heyy everyone, I have a question, is it possible to display each of the point below in a list. But, the list has to be in the following pattern. For example, for the top left area is called A, and the coordinate of the 4 edge points of the area is listed.


So i have managed to get the middle point of each square using a plugin. Now, how do i list edge of each square, for example box 1, the 4 edges for the box and the coordinates of each of it.

For example box 1,
0 (1,3,4)
1 (2,4,6)
2 (4,4,4)
3 (2,1,4)

Thank you in advance, your help is greatly appreciated :blush:

to get some kind of help it would be much easier if you could post your grasshopper definition with internalized geometries :slight_smile:

Okay, I will re-send it here :+1:

test.gh (18.4 KB)
I’ve re-uploaded it, thanks for informing!

just a note, there are many duplicate points in different branches:
30 points in total, but only 20 of those are unique, the other 10 are duplicates

regardless of the above, you can use Area component to find the center of mass of each surface an label them, then you can for instance extract their corner points with Deconstruct Brep:

because of the order of points supplied with 4PointSurface, the surface normals are actually pointing backwards:

which means the order of your points is -from this point of view- clockwise starting from top left corner:

test_Re.gh (24.0 KB)

Thank you so much!!! I’ll take a look at it and get back to you, but this looks like its the solution that was needed! Thank you very much sir! Can’t thank you enough!