Hello everyone,
I am trying to find a way to calculate areas from polysurfaces (i.e. orange and pinkish colors) that are only inside a rectangular box, which is one piece of a floor catchment study area (created in grasshopper and shown in yellow in the image below). At the end, there is a total of 100 of those yellow rectangular box to be “calculated”. But if I mange to find a solution for 1, might be able to replicate the script for the others.
So, I need to be able to extract the areas from the different colors, which are landuses of the project (and they have been separated by layers in rhino).
I have been researching in the past days a way to have this trim/solid difference (to count only what it’s inside the yellow box), and I have tried many different things but I couldn’t find a solution yet. Due to the size of the model, I cannot select all polysurfaces manually to trim. So, I am looking for a solution that I could associate the layer and make the trim with what it’s inside the yellow rectangular box (created as shown in the picture belows, because I might need to move it along the model to calculate different areas).
My lastmile goal is to be able to extract an excel cointaining all this (bottom) areas associated with its own layers (color) for all the 100 floor levels.
Anyone have ideas on how I could do this? or at least if I could be able to make this trim/solid difference based on the layers, it would help me a lot, because to calculate the bottom areas after, I have already created a script might be able to do this part of the calculation.
some start of tentatives that didnt lead me anywhere:
This is a script I did before, to calculate the bottom areas based on the layers, which worked well (but that is calculating the entire model, and now I need to restrict way more the area I am calculating)
Any help on that would be very much appreciated! Thanks