Help with Geodesic Dome

I am trying to determine the composition of this geodesic dome to figure out how to produce it with grasshopper:


It “consists of hexagonal and pentagonal panels” as shown below:

Which apparently come in 16 sizes, seemingly complicating the effort to model it.
Does anybody have any insight into this?


There is no shortage of geodesic dome theory available on the web, and probably this forum. I won’t even try to address that, and Bucky Fuller would be horrified by this shortcut, but if I wanted to approximate a dome, I would do this:

Geodesic (8.7 KB)

Notice how ‘Deviation’ goes up with ‘Frac’ slider value. This is not a geodesic dome :bangbang:


Thank you for the helpful answer. Are you suggesting the project precedent shown is not in fact truly geodesic?

It’s a well known historic theater in LA with a storied history. Lots of preservation info out there.

Edit: Link to article with AP drone photo credit

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wow, I have not come across this image in my research! fantastic, thanks.

Not at all, I was referring to the TriRemesh code I posted.

Geodesic Dome Calculators online :exclamation: Cool idea, is there one for GH?

This one calculates three strut lengths and angles:

These are a useful collection of dome calculation tools:

And many more:

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Thanks. any idea which kind of dome the precedent image is?

Google skills are helpful when looking for answers.


One in GH but no code posted: :frowning:

Some forum pages. This old thing with code posted :bangbang:

Lay of the land overview, the details matter. :wink:

This is a frequency-4 geodesic icosahedron, made by request using Stella 4d , which you can try for yourself, free, at this website.


from here:

What is Geodesic Dome Frequency?


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Because of it’s hexagonal and pentagonal concrete panels, I believe the Cinerama is a Goldberg polyhedra.

In RhinoPolyhedra, this falls into the Dual Geodesic Icosahedron category.

– Dale




The pentagon in the Goldberg distribution is proportionally too small compared with the scale of the hexagons (assuming the pattern is mapped to a pure sphere) and doesn’t match up with the photos.

Maybe the dome is not a true sphere? Could it be a flatter dome shape?


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I’m fairly inclined to say this is it.
Screenshot 2024-09-06 at 4.56.07 PM

I will see if I can get any alignment with the building stats.

Thank you for the input. I am inclined to agree with the people advocating for Goldberg polyhedra.

This looks like the right one though:

A couple of years ago, while attempting to figure out the structure of covid we studied a bunch of these - one useful example we found was this one: (27.9 KB)

*It’s actually the link Joseph shared above! Nice - I didn’t have the bookmark anymore, just a tweaked file :slight_smile:


Not sure it matches your question?

There are a bunch of options in this plugin