Hi I’m fairly new to Rhino please could someone tell me how I can reproduce the uneven surface of hand blown glass please? I can make petals using sweep2 and offsetcrv but it gives a too uniform look.
Hi Darren -
Organic objects are easiest modeled using SubD tools.
Hey Darren I created a tutorial of one method you could use.
Also if you want to combine the petals into one polysurface just use the “booleanunion” command
Hi Dwayne, thanks so much for recording this tutorial for me. It was all going fine but when I went to blendedges something went wrong. Please see screenshot. Can you tell me what happened here? I am following all of your instructions but this keeps happening. What is going wrong?
if you post the 3dm file, I can explain in that model why it is failing
Blown Glass Flower.3dm (5.1 MB)
That would be great. Thank-you
there are a couple of issues you need to work on: There are kinks at the sides that I would advise to avoid. Furthermore it looks you are trying to apply a blend distance that is more than 1/2 the thickness, which means the blends will overlap, this is a guaranteed way to make BlendEdge/FilletEdge fail.
If you are filleting edges, take into account that the radius doesn’t exceed the minimum radii found in the model. For example in this area your radius of the outer edge is quite small:
After fixing up the contour quickly I could add a BlendEdge of 0.3:
Another approach is using Quadremesh to SubD: (with a few tune-ups)
Blown Glass Flower_01.3dm (631.0 KB)
I definitely recommend @Gijs solution of using QuadRemesh and ToSubd to a more organic looking shape. Also I forgot to add that you may want a bit of a bend longways of the petal. just use the Bend command to add more control of the petal shape.
Thank-you so much. I do need a more organic shape for the project I am working on so I guess QuadRemesh and ToSubd are the way to go. I have not used this before but I will have a look online. Do I do these steps following the process outlined by yourself?
Thank-you Gijs. I was able to sort that out but I do need something more organic to give the look of handmade glass. I guess with quadremesh and tosubd there are more control points that I can manipulate. Is that correct?
Yes, definitely give it a try. In my opinion it works very well to mimick how glass behaves. Model in hard edges then quadremesh
The quadremesh I made was done on the hard-edged model you sent with Y-symmetry enabled
also if you want to save a step, when you do quadremesh check the convert to subd and delete input box so you dont have to run the ToSub command.
@dwaynecofer and @Gijs thank-you both so much. That has really helped me out. What a great forum this is. Thanks both for your quick and helpful replies!